September is a time of opportunity, a chance to shed the old and welcome the new.
Communication plays an important role in success in your life. The month of August is a perfect time to pause, review, and reflect on how you interact with other people. It is time to organize your thoughts and life and start working on your unfinished projects.
Take time this month to recognize where your power lies, and be ready to get started. Create your own story, and make a plan that will bring goodness and happiness to you. Above all, have a positive attitude and make every moment count. “Find the power in you”!
Take time to reflect this month as June signifies the end of the first half of the year. Ask yourself, did I achieve all I wanted to? Did I allow time to center and relax?
It is so amazing to me how the universe steps in when you really need it to.
Spring is a time for change!
Use this extended hibernation time to become aware of yourself (body, mind, and spirit) and which of these dreams/desires truly resonate with you.
As we slowly move through our wintery hibernation, February brings us into a month of purification, cleansing, refining, and purging ourselves from negativity.
What does this time of year represent/mean to you?
Don’t get lost in the hustle and bustle of the end of the year. Slow down and be “present”.