Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki Training

Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki Level 1 Class

Mount Kurama, home of Reiki

~ You will be qualified to practice Reiki upon completion of this workshop ~

Reiki is a beautiful life-force energy given to us as a gift to renew and heal ourselves as well as others. In the level 1 class, you will be attuned to Reiki energy, connecting you to this incredible source of love. Reiki allows you to channel its energy to others and yourself. You will be taught how to allow this divine gift to come from the light above, through your heart, and out of your hands.

This beginning training is is a combination of the Western style and the Japanese style. Upon the completion of this class, you will be able to give Reiki treatments to yourself and others. This workshop includes the Holy Fire III Reiki 1 attunement certificates, and complete manual for Reiki 1 & 2, “Reiki The Healing Touch” by William Rand. The class is a combination of lecture, discussion, demonstration, and practice time. In this workshop you will learn:

  • The History of Reiki energy
  • The Reiki Ideals
  • The complete hand placement system
  • The Holy Love Experience
  • Giving Reiki to yourself and others
  • Gassho meditation
  • Byosen Scanning: Using the sensitivity in the hands to locate areas needing healing, (usually in the aura) and to treat them
  • Kenyoku: Dry bathing, a method to purify your energy field
  • The Attunement for Reiki 1 is given

This full day Level 1 class is $225 per student. See below for upcoming training schedule.

Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki Level 2 Class

~ You will be qualified to practice Distant Reiki and use 3 sacred symbols upon completion of this workshop ~

Prerequisite: To qualify to take this class a student must have completed Reiki 1 class.

In the Level 2 class you will be attuned to the next level of Reiki as well as receive 3 sacred symbols to enhance your channeling abilities and will learn to
send distant Reiki through time and space, not only to others, but also yourself.

This workshop includes a Holy Fire III Reiki 2 attunements certificate. If you do not have the Reiki 1 & 2, “Reiki The Healing Touch” by William Rand, one will be provided (for an addition fee of $25.00). The class is a combination of lecture, discussion, demonstration, and practice time. Each student experiences giving and receiving a complete treatment using Byosen scanning and the hand placement system. Practice time is given using all the Reiki II symbols as well as the techniques mentioned above. In this workshop you will learn:

  • Three sacred Reiki Symbols -including their meaning and uses
  • Byosen Scanning: Using the sensitivity in the hands to locate areas needing healing, (usually in the aura) and to treat them
  • Reiji-Ho: Using inner guidance to know how and where to treat
  • Koki-ho: Using the breath to heal
  • Gyoshi-ho: Sending Reiki with the eyes
  • The Holy Love Experience
  • Sending Reiki at a distance
  • Reiki 2 symbols: How to draw, activate and use them, and their many uses are explained and their inner meaning is discussed
  • Practice time is given so students, know from experience how the energy of each symbols feels and the results each symbol produces
  • The Attunement for Reiki 2 is given

This full day Level 2 class is $245 per student. Save $50 when booking with Level 1 class using coupon code ‘TRAIN1+2’. See below for upcoming training schedule.

Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki Master Class

~ You will be qualified as a Reiki Master upon completion of this class, with the ability to attune and ignite others to Reiki. ~

Prerequisite: To qualify to take this class a student must have completed Reiki 2 class at least 6 months prior to the start of the Master class.

The Master training is a complete 3-day class which is usually taught over a weekend. In the process of learning the healing techniques and attunements, and taking part in the guided meditations, each student will receive many healing experiences. While the content of the class will allow anyone to pass the ability to do Reiki on to others and to teach if one chooses, many take the class for their own use or to use with family and friends. Reiki III Master training includes:

  • The Usui Master attunement increasing and strengthening your Reiki energy
  • The Usui Master symbol which increases the effectiveness of the Reiki 2 symbols and can be used for healing
  • Practice using the Usui master symbol
  • Reiki meditation that strengthens the mind and expands consciousness
  • The use of crystals and stones with Reiki
  • How to make a Reiki grid that will continue to send Reiki to yourself and others after it is charged
  • The Holy Love Experience in which Divine Love is placed in your heart
  • The complete Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki Master ignition
  • Instruction on how to give Reiki attunements for Reiki I&II and Reiki Master
  • The Healing attunement that can be given to anyone and directs the powerful attunement energies to heal
  • The Usui/Holy Fire III system of attunements and ignitions is taught as used by the Center and the Usui system of attunements is explained
  • The Holy Fire III symbol is given for a total of five symbols
  • Lots of practice time doing attunements
  • How to give yourself attunements and ignitions
  • The values and spiritual orientation of a true Reiki Master
  • Complete “Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki Master Manual” by William Rand manual
  • Reiki Master Certificate

The Master class is three full days and is $995 per student. See below for upcoming training schedule (Master class generally held in April and October).

Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki Class Schedule

Holy Fire® is the registered service mark of William Lee Rand.