About Reiki


What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese word that means “Universal Life Force Energy” which is the pure, positive energy that is within us and around us. It reduces stress, induces deep relaxation and promotes healing of the whole person – mind, body and spirit. It helps to support the body’s system to grow towards health and healing by raising your vibration in a gentle, non-invasive but powerful way.

What is Reiki used for?

Reiki relieves aches and pains, speeds up the healing of illness and creates a clarity and deep peace of mind and heart. Our physical body exists as a field of energy and in our busy, stressful lives and environments, the optimum vibration for health is often challenged. Over time this often leads to illness, physical pain, emotional imbalance or just a general lack of zest for life. Reiki is also recommended for strengthening the immune system, improving sleep, better digestion, less anxiety, increasing recovery time from a surgery, relief from disease-related symptoms, the list goes on and on… Reiki is even being used in clinics and hospitals all over the world to support health and wellness.

What does Reiki feel like?

Reiki may feel warm and relaxing. You may feel warmth or tingles. Some people describe a floating sensation, muscle twitching, some see colors or shapes during the session. Some people fall into a deep relaxing asleep, while other may experience emotional release. There is no expected experience – every Reiki treatment is unique for each individual who receives it.

What happens during a Reiki session?

Reiki is a form of energy healing shared by the laying on of hands. During a Reiki session, you will lay fully clothed on a massage table, covered in a blanket if you choose. You may enjoy silence or soothing music playing. The Reiki practitioner will lay their hands on you, hold their hands above you, or the session can be done remotely. If a reclined position is uncomfortable, Reiki can be performed while you sit in a chair. If you are at home for a remote session, then you may either sit or lay down.

Can Reiki “cure” me?

Reiki is a complementary methodology that works well alone as well as in concert with other treatments. Healing is often the result of gentle shifts in awareness, release of emotional patterns, achievement of new understanding, and daily practice. Reiki is not a replacement for traditional medical treatment.

Is there any way to have too much Reiki?

Absolutely not! There is no way to do this wrong. It’s just energy. The body takes in what it needs. The practitioner is merely a conduit that allows the energy to flow towards you to do what it needs to do. Think of it as directing a laser beam to the places that need the most attention. Everything is always for your highest and best good out of pure light and love.

What is a distant/remote Reiki session?

The effects of distant healing are virtually no different than in-person hands-on healing. Reiki’s healing energy can be sent anywhere in the world, no matter how far away the recipient.  The energy transmissions in a remote session are just as strong as if they were delivered in person directly with the hands. To receive distant Reiki healing you don’t have to do anything special.  We just need to find a time that works for you, a time where you can relax in a quiet space, it can even be while you’re are sleeping. 

Do I have to be sick or have a problem to have a reiki session?

You do not have to be suffering from any type of illness to benefit from a session. Sessions can help keep the energy channels open, decreasing the likelihood of illness, clearing your blocked Chakras, or just allow you to de-stress.

Can I request Reiki for someone other than myself?

Yes, you can request distant healing for others. While it is best if they are aware they are receiving a remote Reiki treatment so they can be open to receiving the most benefit, even if they aren’t aware, the practitioner can send Reiki with the intention that they receive based on their own free will, asking their spirit guide (energy guide) to make the connection and ask permission.

Can animals receive Reiki?

Yes, animals have a natural understanding of Reiki and enjoy receiving it. Reiki provides them with the same benefits and healing we experience as humans, making it an effective method of caring for injuries, emotional issues or virtually any problem an animal might experience. 

Looking for more information?

Still have more questions? I’d love to help! Consider setting up a free 30 minute consultation with me to discuss how Reiki can possibly help you. You can also read more about Reiki at Reiki.org – they have a wealth of information including FAQ’s and a ‘Quick Start Guide’. If you decide that Reiki is your calling and/or you want to teach others, be sure to check out my Reiki Attunement/Training classes.