About Me

Renee Green, Owner

I am a wife and mother of three young adults. Before having children, I spent many years working in training and development in the insurance industry. 

One day, I attended a yoga class that would profoundly change the course of my personal journey. I had always thought yoga would be fun and easy. During this first class, I found it was NOT as easy as I imagined! The true surprise though was the sense of peace and joy that I discovered. The more yoga classes I took, the more I realized that yoga could meet all of my physical, mental, and spiritual needs. From that point on, I was hooked! 

This first class sparked a new passion for studying the practice of yoga and its principles. As my connection with the origins of yoga grew stronger, I became increasingly passionate about sharing its benefits with others. I completed my first 200-hour yoga teacher certification program in 2015 under the guidance of Purusha Hickson, owner of Stretch for Success in Thousand Oaks, California. I later obtained my 300-hour yoga certification, also under Purusha Hickson. 

Shortly after my initial yoga certification, I met Stella Davies, a Reiki Master. There was a vibration about her that I felt the whole world should experience. After a few encounters, I learned that Stella was a Usui Holy Fire Reiki Master, and that was the vibration I was sensing. Immediately I knew I needed to share that feeling with the world. I took her first Reiki training class even before experiencing a session as a client.

Continuing my training, I became a Master-Teacher in the Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki Ryoho method, certified by the International Center for Reiki Training. I have since also completed the Karuna Master Reiki training and various other certifications. 

Today, my goal is to share my love of Reiki and Yoga with as many people as possible. Together, Reiki and Yoga can help create a relationship between the body, mind, and breath, fostering a space free from obstacles and providing freedom and release. I find joy in helping people of all ages and backgrounds find this release so they can move comfortably and competently through life. 

My clients range from individuals seeking general wellness and stress reduction to those undergoing chemotherapy and recovering from surgeries. I also love working with pets! Reiki can provide much-needed comfort for their bodies and minds, especially when a beloved pet is ready to pass over. 

In addition to my individual sessions and group classes, I  offer wellness retreats that combine Reiki and Yoga, often timed with the transition of the seasons. These retreats provide an immersive experience to deepen the connection between body, mind, and spirit. 

How can I help you?

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