Like the leaves, we are in a season of transformation, a time to change our colors… our beauty from within. Just as you can see the change in the leaves, you can feel the changes in our human process from life and death. So, when you see leaves on the ground, realize that their journey is similar to ours, leading a meaningful life with our limited time on earth.

The changing seasons reflect healthy growth or transformation bringing a conscious awareness of participating in the transformations of life, giving us spiritual clarity that promotes healing and a sense of wholeness. There is an amazing sense of peace that comes with knowing that we all move through life and death cycles throughout our lives, every transition bringing the uncertain and unpredictable opportunity for change.

When struggling through these changes, practice being grateful and grounded by clearing your life of unhealthy habits, relationships, environments, and anything that no longer serves you which makes room for a better way of life. You can heal, sustain lightness and balance through aligning with new intentions and breaking unhealthy patterns. Whether it’s starting a new routine, career, move, or relationship, you are ready for life-altering change during this time.

To find alignment during this transformative time allow things to be as they are for a while without resisting or avoiding the changes. Quiet your opinions, open your heart, and trust yourself to create positive intentions. Let your light and love expand out into the world.

As we join together sharing our light and love, it will bring about a greater good, peace and love to all human beings.

See our Classes page for current class offerings.  

See our Events page for current events and offerings, including our Holy Love Journeys every month.