Greetings and Happy New Year,

As we step through the gateway into the new year, January unfolds as a sacred time—a season of hibernation, introspection, and laying the groundwork for the abundance that lies ahead.

Hibernation and Planning: In the quiet of winter, embrace the stillness to plan and dream. Like nature in hibernation, take this time to reflect on the past year, acknowledging achievements and lessons learned. Allow yourself the space to shed what no longer serves you, making room for new growth.

Inspiration for Your Mind: Let inspiration be the compass guiding your thoughts. January is the canvas on which you paint the visions of your future. Engage in activities that nourish your mind—read, create, explore. Feed your imagination, for it is the soil in which your dreams take root.

Planting Seeds of Intention: Think of your goals as seeds waiting to be planted. What you sow now will blossom in the coming months. Review your plans, imagine the fruition of your resolutions, and set priorities that will nurture the growth of your aspirations.

Reflection and Elimination: January offers a moment to review your life’s script. What chapters are you proud of, and which ones would you like to rewrite? Reflect on the events of the past year, and with a discerning eye, eliminate the things that block your growth and manifestation. Clear the path for new opportunities.

Clean Slate and New Beginnings: Every day is a chance for a clean slate, but the beginning of the year holds a special magic. Allow this time to refresh your spirit. Embrace the joy of new beginnings, and let the clean slate be the canvas upon which you paint the masterpiece of your life.

As we embark on this journey into January, let the quietude of winter be your guide. Plant your seeds of intention with care, nurture your dreams, and witness the blossoming of a year filled with growth, abundance, and the realization of your deepest desires.

Hugs and Love,


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See my Events page for current events and offerings, including my monthly Holy Love Experiences.