Hello lovely souls,

Welcome to March – a time for us to gently nudge our dreams into action and move forward with a sprinkle of purpose. Let’s make decisions that not only lift us up, but also spread a little kindness around. It’s like planting seeds of positivity and watching them bloom!

As spring tiptoes in, why not take a leisurely stroll among the blossoming flowers and trees? With daylight saving time approaching, those cozy winter nights are making way for brighter evenings. And oh, the spring equinox—it’s like nature’s way of giving us a warm hug!

Let’s not forget the enchanting Worm Moon, signaling nature’s awakening and the perfect time to get our hands a little dirty with some gardening.

And speaking of celebrations, who could resist the temptation of Pi Day? It’s a sweet excuse to treat ourselves to a slice of pie and marvel at the wonders of math!

I’m absolutely thrilled to see your gardens come to life. Remember to share some snapshots with us! Let’s cherish life’s simple pleasures together, like savoring a heavenly slice of pie.

Sending you all heaps of love and sunshine,


See my Yoga page for current class offerings.  

See my Events page for current events and offerings, including my monthly Holy Love Experiences.