Greetings Sweet Friends,

As we bid farewell to the vibrant celebrations of January, February beckons us to embrace a sense of stability and calm. It’s a month for introspection, a time to focus on both body and mind, and initiate a gentle cleansing process.

In the wake of January’s celebrations, we may have encountered numerous individuals radiating positive energy. However, it’s equally possible that some interactions left us with a residue of negativity. February is the month to discern, to let go of any lingering bad vibes, and to cleanse our inner landscape.

This month serves as a transition, a change of air, and an opportunity to sanitize our inner life. By dedicating time to this process, we lay the foundation for a revitalized self. Purifying our body and mind sets the stage for the influx of new energies, providing us with the strength and resilience needed to face the challenges that lie ahead in the remainder of the year.

Let’s welcome February as a month of personal renewal, a time to shed what no longer serves us and embrace a refreshed state of being. May this period of inner cleaning pave the way for a year filled with positivity, growth, and newfound energy.

Hugs and Love,

See my Yoga page for current class offerings.  

See my Events page for current events and offerings, including my monthly Holy Love Experiences.