Greetings Friends and Happy Autumn!

October is a time for harmonizing with nature’s rhythms as it embarks on a period of surrender, gracefully letting go of summer. The leaves begin to turn to beautiful colors of gold and red before they calmly drift to Mother Earth — a gentle reminder of the cyclical dance of life and death. This natural release prompts us to reflect on our own lives, encouraging us to let go of outdated beliefs and to make way for the new. The rhythm of nature in October nudges us to align with our inner cycles, to balance the light and shadow within. As we align with these natural rhythms, we foster a deeper connection to Mother Earth and our own divine essence.

Please join me this month whether in person or online, I would love to support you as you make a deeper connection to your divine essence. 

With love and light,


See my Yoga page for current class offerings.  

See my Events page for current events and offerings, including my monthly Holy Love Experiences.