Wow! Its hard to believe April has come and gone!  It feels like so much has occurred in this past month.

After re-receiving my Holy Fire Karuna Training from Reiki Master Colleen Benelli, I tried to jump back into the swing of things and I was quickly reminded that I needed to slow down and let the Holy Fire do it’s magic and allow time for the integration of this powerful experience in Japan and Mount Kurama where Usui Sensei (founder of Reiki in our lifetime) was initiated into Reiki. 

BAMMM!! Just like that, after getting home, I was quarantined for several days. It is so amazing to me how the universe steps in when you really need it to. 

As I begin to emerge from my quiet space, I’m still reflecting on what a powerful and special place Mount Karama is, and I am excited to get back to sharing sessions and classes with all of you. 

Love and Hugs


See my Yoga page for current class offerings.  

See my Events page for current events and offerings, including my monthly Holy Love Experiences.