Usually at this time of year we get the urge to start springing ahead and making changes… but this year seems to be unusually cold and may make you feel like staying in deep hibernation.
Maybe you’re feeling like you haven’t quite got the energy to make any changes, or that you’re not really sure what changes to make.  I suggest that you just wait and listen to your thoughts, and let the awareness filter through you like a warm cup of tea. The warmth of spring is just around the corner, and while you’re sipping that tea, you will have an opportunity to begin to dream and reflect. Use this extended hibernation time to become aware of yourself (body, mind, and spirit) and which of these dreams/desires truly resonate with you. “Awareness is the precursor to change”.

My offerings this month are shared, from my heart to yours, to support you with following your dreams and desires, to be present, and to let them sink in by focusing on your self-awareness.

Love and Hugs


See my Yoga page for current class offerings.  

See my Events page for current events and offerings, including my monthly Holy Love Experiences.