I will be traveling to Japan this April to visit the sacred mountain where Reiki Master Usui Sensai (the founder of Reiki, in our historical lifetime) was initiated. I will be traveling with my dear friend Stella, a group of Reiki Students, and with Reiki Master William Rand – founder of the International Center for Reiki Training. I am excited to weave the magical energy of Japan and my experiences into future classes and retreats.

In the light of this my normal monthly offerings will be limited this month. I will start up my regular offerings again in May. In the meantime, here is a link to a holy love experience as a free offering from my heart to yours… relax and receive.

Also, Stella and I are offering some supper-special seasonal one day and weekend retreats this spring, summer, and fall, so save the dates!

Love and Hugs


See my Yoga page for current class offerings.  

See my Events page for current events and offerings, including my monthly Holy Love Experiences.