November, the sacred warrior that acts as a mirror to remind us that we are fighting the real battles, the ones within ourselves. It’s a time to realign, to refocus, and to regain our inner strength. A time and chance to embrace change. You may not like the direction you are heading, so now is the time to respond, not react, respond positively to the changes that are occurring. Find ways to adapt, review, or even accept what is happening in your life and make the necessary changes to better your life. Don’t just watch things happening to you but get involved.

November also reminds us to have gratitude. Not only gratitude for others but gratitude for ourselves.  Gratitude not just for the things that you have accomplished, but for the things that you are going to accomplish.

I hope to see you at some of my offerings this month, to assist you in being the warrior that you are as you relax and connect with your emotional intelligence during this month of transition.

See our Classes page for current class offerings.  

See our Events page for current events and offerings, including our Holy Love Experiences on November 11th and 29th.