It’s officially November, which means that you’re about to see a whole lot of gratitude challenges on social media. This usually means posting one thing per day that you’re grateful for, or maybe posting pictures or tagging a person you love.

Here’s the deal… most gratitude challenges don’t truly help your brain to discover new and daily things to be grateful for by doing just one thing a per day.

So, if you’re interested in really growing your gratitude muscle to truly become more grateful, here’s a more effective November gratitude challenge: Each day, name three new things that you’re grateful for. No repeats and no skipped days. On days when you can’t think of three things, dig deep. That’s the best time to truly flex that muscle. It’s the best time to teach your brain to find the small stuff.
Gratitude has been shown to be a dramatic shaper of happiness and well-being. It’s free, easy, and has no negative side effects.

So if you’re taking on a November gratitude challenge, do yourself a favor and try this three new things method. Naming one thing isn’t going to cut it. It’s not going to grow your gratitude muscle. Make your efforts worth it this November. Dig deep and find small sources of gratitude, no matter how tiny!

See our Classes page for current class offerings.  

See our Events page for current events and offerings, including our Holy Love Experiences on November 12th and 30th.