December often marks the beginning of rain, snow, and cold weather in the northern hemisphere. While nature appears to be lifeless, looks can be deceiving, deep beneath the surface are themes of rest, renewal, and hope.

December is a time for introspection and soul-searching, a chance to recharge and reconnect. This is a magical season full of transformation and deep internal work.

It may seem counterproductive to pause, rest, and reflect during this time of year, however, remember that your worth isn’t defined only by what you’ve accomplished. Think of December as a time to slow down and be fully present in activities that truly bring you joy and pleasure. Before you know it, spring will be here, so enjoy some quiet moments of rest and solitude. Honor your connection with the natural world. Try joining in some past traditions like burning a yule log, creating an outside altar to feed the animals (pinecones, cranberries, seeds, nuts, etc.), watching a sunrise to witness how the light changes from promise to presence, or just baking some cookies.

See our Classes page for current class offerings.  

See our Events page for current events and offerings, including our Holy Love Experiences on December 10th and 28th.