Now is the time to begin harnessing the superpower of the Fall Equinox that will fuel our lives, by bringing together balance, energy, focus and inner calm. One of the main reasons we feel so out of balance at times could be that we are out of sync with the natural rhythms of the earth. To be in harmony, physically and spiritually, one must be in harmony with both the natural (physical) and spiritual worlds. We are more in tune with the internet than to the steadiness of the trees. We count time passing and set goals on calendars, rather than going with the flow of nature. So how do we find the evenness? When you attune your body, mind, and spirit to the natural cycles of the earth you automatically harmonize, and your work, health, wealth, relationships and life to become more sustainable, supportive and successful.

Now is a time to reap the benefits of the energy that you have put forth throughout the last nine months. This is time when there is an equal amount of light and dark present in a day. – It’s all about balance, – A powerful time to rebalance, restore, and refocus your energy. It’s also a time to pause and look forward, to see where to best flow your energy during the last three months of the year.

We each have “fields” to tend to during this harvest season. No, not the kind with wheat and vegetables, but our sacred fields; relationships, families, home, personal health, and happiness.

Think of this time as a gift from the universe to the earth, giving us permission to take that powerful pause when we need to re-harmonize restore, and gain clarity.

With the offerings below I invite you to join me in my “Omm Living Room” and take some time for yourself this month to rebalance, restore, and refocus your energy.
See our Classes page for current class offerings.
See our Events page for current events and offerings, including our Holy Love Journeys on Sept 18th and 29th.