The whole vibration of November (the 11th month) will guide us to awaken to higher levels of consciousness so that we can feel connected and aligned with our purpose. November brings transition and significant personal growth as new chapters begin. You should use this time to look at how your whole life brought you to the point you are at right now. It is no surprise that everything you need to move forward and grow is at your disposal, no matter your current situation, all you need to do to find it is to look deep inside yourself. In such times of transition, it is very important to be present, awake, and alert.

Having this in mind, you can also use the energy in November to help you co-create the life which you truly want to live. Every one of us can use the energy of November to bring in more love, gratitude, and abundance. All we have to do is start focusing our attention on what we really want, instead of on what we do not want.

The energies of this month will provide personal protection. They will not however allow any escapism, as the energies of November will not permit you to cover your eyes and bury your head in the sand. Instead, it will call for awakening and taking action, encouraging us all to rely on our inner wisdom, listen to the voice within, and help us to grow so that we can move forward with our own well-being in mind.

See our Classes page for current class offerings.  

See our Events page for current events and offerings, including our Holy Love Journeys on November 6th and 17th.