As winter approaches we can begin to simply develop an awareness in which we can create more space in our lives to slow down, creating space to cultivate more time for restoration and rejuvenation. We need this rest not only mentally, but physically, and even deeper…

This year, in particular, December brings us a solar eclipse and The Grand Conjunction.  This is when both Jupiter and Saturn align at the same degree of the zodiac which occurs about 20 years.  This represents the changing of an era, bringing brand new beginnings, higher frequencies that will help us reach new heights, and new ways of living here on Earth.

As we slow down, we can also focus on calming the mental chatter by bringing in activities such as mindfulness, meditation, yoga, relaxation, and journaling. These can eventually become your go-to tools when times get difficult. Using these outlets can help to ground yourself and help you feel a sense of emotional control and mental clarity, as well as bring in the possibility that we are not just beings on this Earth but of the Earth.

See our Classes page for current class offerings.  

See our Events page for current events and offerings, including our Holy Love Journeys on December 18th and 29th.